Saturday, 17 August 2013

Relish the Vegetable Scotch Biryani

The making or the Vegetable Scotch Biryani

What you need?

Ingredients for the rice:
1 cup of basmati rice
2 table spoons of butter
One/Fourth T spoon of Coriander seeds
One/Fourth T spoon of cumin seeds
1 tea spoon turmeric powder
8 to 10 chopped Almonds (badaam)
Kishmish (Raisins) – One/Fourth bowl
3 to 4 cardamoms
2 cinnamon sticks

Ingredients for the vegetables:

1.5 table spoons of plain butter
3 cloves
1 t spoon coriander seed
5 cardamoms
2 onions – chop them
2 table spoon ginger paste
2 table spoon garlic paste
Almonds – 3 to 4 – chop them
1/4 t spoon cumin seeds
Cauliflower – half a bowl
Beans green ones – around half cup
4 potatoes medium sized
1 cup water
Carrots – One big one – cut it small

Garnishing: 1 cup Blended Scotch Whisky

How to cook?

Alright! Now that you have done the hardwork of gathering all the ingredients, lets start cooking.

To cook the rice, clean it and drain out excess water.

In a flat pan, put the butter on low heat.  Now add the butter. Add the raisins and brown them. Add the almonds and turmeric powder and the cumin seeds along with the cardamom and coriander seeds. Also you can add the cinnamon at this stage. This will take around 3 minutes. Pour the water and also add he salt. Set it on low heat now and place a tight cover on the heating pan. Shut the heat. Let it  be covered for 15 minutes.

Now on the other side, you may start cooking your favorite veggies. You may add the onions and put some oil. Let it brown and cook it for around 2 minutes. Add the garlic paste along with the ginger paste. Mix it tightly. After 2 minutes, add the cauliflower, beans, potatoes (aloo), carrots. You may pour in some salt as per your taste. Let it cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Add the coriander seeds, cumin seeds and rest of the remnant spices. The heat has to be slightly high to cook the vegetables. Once cooked, pour the rice in the vegetables. Mix it. Cook it or about 10 minutes more. Now serve it. You may garnish it in the end.

Once ready, pour the cup of blended whisky on top of the rice.

That’s it. Enjoy your biryani.

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